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Ruling on fasting for those who travel from one country to another 📃

Q: May Allaah reward you. The questioner says: We fasted with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia here, so if we return to our country at the end of Ramadan, should we follow the Kingdom as well on the day of Eid, or do we agree with our country?

A: If your people fasted for 30 days, then fast with them. I mean, you fasted 30 days with them, so fast with them. And if you fast for 29 days with the agreement of your people, then fast with them and break your fast. As for if you will fast for 28 days and if you break your fast with your people and it is established that they broke their fast by sighting the new moon or completing 30 days of Ramadan, then break the fast with them and make up a day. But if it is not proven that they broke their fast in a correct way, then fast that day on which they break their fast. And if you fear fitnah, conceal your fast. If you go and your people break their fast, either you have completed a 30-day fast, so break your fast with your people. Or if you fasted for 29 days, then break your fast with your people, even if they fasted for 30 days, and you do not have to do anything. Or that you have fasted 28 days and they fasted 29 days, and their breaking the fast was proven by a correct way, which is the sighting of the crescent, as long as we said 29 days, so break the fast with them and make up that day, because the month is not less than 29 days.

Ruling on the intention of the one who broke the fast during Ramadan 📃

Q: May Allaah be good to you and bless you and benefit Islam and the Muslims. The questioner says if at the beginning of the month he intended to fast the whole month and then passed out at night while he was preparing the intention and did not come to his senses until after dawn, is that sufficient for him?

A: His intention was cut off because he broke his fast that day. And whoever breaks the fast during the day during the month of Ramadan needs a new intention. This is the rule: whoever breaks the fast during Ramadan needs a new intention.

Ruling on breaking fast in daytime of Ramadan when traveling 📃

Q: May Allaah reward you. The questioner says: When is it permissible for us to break the fast if we want to travel during the day in Ramadan

A: Scholars differed regarding a Muslim who fasts at the beginning of the day and then travels during it. Does he break the fast? What appears to be the more correct opinion is that he may break the fast as long as he traveled during the day. And when does he start to break his fast? The majority of scholars, and it is more cautious, that he begins to break his fast if he leaves the urban areas of the city, and it is more cautious. Because a person does not know what will happen to him, he may break his fast, then he will stop traveling and miss the fast of that day. Some of the scholars are of the view that he breaks his fast even at home. It appears to be more correct that it is permissible for him to do so as long as he knows that he will leave the city during the day. But if he knows that he will not leave the urban areas of the city except at night, then it is not permissible for him to break his fast in his house. Because he will not travel during the day. I mean, brothers, a person at noon time wanted to travel to Makkah and his car was parked at the door. It is most likely that he will leave Medina much before sunset. It is permissible for him to break his fast while he is in his house before he goes out, even if this is contrary to what the majority of scholars say, because the evidence for it is established. But the more caution opinion is for a person not to break his fast until he leaves the urban area of his city, as we mentioned. As for a person who will travel before Maghrib and knows that he will not leave the borders of the city until the Maghrib prayer has arrived, then it is not permissible for him to break his fast at home because night will overtake him while he is in the city and he has not traveled. He does not have the right to break the fast while he is in his city

Virtue of finishing Qur'an multiple times in Ramadan 📃

Q: Peace be upon you, and may Islam and Muslims benefit you. The questioner says, may God protect you. Is it better to recite the Qur’an a lot during this month, or to limit it to one or two recitations in recitation, contemplation and contemplation

A: The state of the predecessors indicates that the abundance of letters is better than the interpreted reading, which is with contemplation, but what appears, and God knows best, is that the matter differs according to different people in the view of the servant who is best for his heart, and what is more beneficial to the heart is better. And if it is possible to combine, such as making you an interpreted and deliberate conclusion from the beginning of the month to the end of the month, and making another reading for you in which you increase the letters, then this is good and perfect. For example, if you made the period between noon and afternoon, as much time as possible for you, in a contemplative reading that explained until the end of the month, and made you at the beginning of the day or at the end of it or at night a reading in which you multiply the letters.

Fasting in the country that doesn't rely on moon sighting 📃

Q: May Allaah be good to you, bless you, and benefit Islam and Muslims. May Allaah reward you. The questioner says: If you are in a country that does not depend on the moon sighting, but rather depends on the astronomical calculation, and if the news of the moon sighting reaches them, they reject it if the calculation does not agree, then what should we do?

A: First, we must take the apparent meaning, so if the country depends on sighting, and they go out and see, and the officials in the country announce that the crescent has not been seen, then the people of the country take this. Shaban completes 30 days. What they did not say and they will not say, but if they said we saw the crescent, but it violates the calculation, so we do not take it. Here we take the view that they did not take, but this is what it is. But I say it as a scientific hypothesis. But if the country does not depend on the moon sighting in the first place, but rather depends on the astronomical calculation, and announces, perhaps a month or two in advance, that Ramadan is on such-and-such day. If it agrees with a legislation, even if it was not intended for its perpetrators, then it is considered to preserve the Muslims’ fast in general and the general principles of the Sharia. For example, it is announced that Ramadan is on so-and-so day through calculation and it agreed with people's of that country sighting of the crescent on that day. So they fasted on that day because of sighting. Here we say, O people of this country, fast, because this agreed with a legaslative aspect, which is the sighting in a Muslim country. Or it coincides with the completion of Sha’ban 30 days, then they fast, even if this is according to astronomical calculations. But if it does not agree with a legislation, then they look to the nearest country to them, and they rely on what that country says. If one of them fears trial or harm, then he fasts or breaks his fast secretly, yes.

Ruling on drinking and eating at the time of adhaan 📃

Q: May Allaah bless you and bless you and benefit you from Islam and Muslims. May Allaah bless you, he says, he drank some water, thinking that dawn had not come. If he hears the iqama for prayer, what should he do?

A: If he sees the dawn, it is obligatory for the Muslim who is fasting to refrain from eating and drinking, unless the drinking vessel is in his hand, in which case it is permissible for him to drink. A license from Allaah Almighty. And the sign of dawn is the call to prayer at the time. If the muezzin calls the call to prayer at the time known in the country, then as soon as the call to prayer is given, the Muslim must refrain from eating and drinking. The mere fact that the muezzin says Allaahu Akbar, the Muslim must refrain from eating and drinking, unless he has a container of water in his hand. The origin is that the night remains. It is permissible for a person to eat and drink until he knows that dawn has broken. If in doubt, the origin the night remains. Therefore, Ibn Abbas used to say, may Allaah be pleased with them both, eat and drink as long as in doubt. I mean, I am in the car going to Makkah, and I do not know the time of dawn in the area where I am in the desert. I may eat and I may drink. Because the basic principle is that the night remains .What is not permissible, my brothers, is what some of the brothers do inside Al-Madinah and say, “By Allaah, I was in doubt if it was dawn, so I eat and drink even if the muezzin called. If the muezzin called, then you know that dawn had broken.” Well, this brother of ours woke up and went to the refrigerator and drank water thinking that the muazzin did not call for prayer. ٍSo when he drank, the muezzin established the prayer. What is the ruling on fasting? The answer is that if he was not negligent and there was no sign of dawn, then his fast is valid. Because the principle is that the night remains. And his action was done in error. And Allaah Almighty, in the supplication of the believers, said, “Glory be to our Lord, do not blame us if we forget or err.” The Most Gracious, Glory be to Him, said, I have done. But if he was negligent, they had an alarm but he was negligent and indulgent, then he must make up that day, yes

Ruling on making up fasting when mistake in moon sighting occurred 📃

Q: May Allaah reward you, the questioner says: You said, may Allaah preserve you, that it is not permissible to fast today, the 30th of Sha’ban, as the 1st of Ramadan. While in reality, that day was from Ramadan and the moon sighting was after the 29th of Sha'baan. Is it obligatory on people to make up that day?

A: Yes, if it was thought Shaban was 30 days and after we fasted for 28 days, we witnessed the crescent of Shawwal. This happened to us in our country years ago. If we see the crescent of Shawwal, we must break our fast. Although we have fasted 28 days. Because it is forbidden for us to fast on the day of Eid. Then we need to make up a day. Because the month is not less than 29 days, yes.

Ruling on accepting a witness of a woman in sighting crescent of Ramadan 📃

Q: May Allaah be good to you, bless you, and benefit you from Islam and the Muslims. More than one question says: "May Allaah protect you. What is the correct opinion on accepting witness of a woman in moon sighting of Ramadan

A: If a woman sees the crescent, then she considers seeing the crescent for herself, because she has seen the crescent. And there is a well-known difference of opinions regarding the issue of who saw the crescent and the sighting was not accepted. As for accepting the sighting from a woman for others, the disagreement is strong. What is mentioned in the Sunnah is the sighting of a man. Therefore, I refrain from speaking on the issue of obligating Muslims to fast based on sighting of a woman. Yes.

How should elder sick person feed poor for the days of Ramadan 📃

Q: May Allaah reward you. The questioner says: Does he feed on behalf of the old sick person every day, or collect 30 poor people in one day?

A: It is permissible to feed for every day. It is permissible to feed for the whole month at the end of the month. As did Anas, may Allaah be pleased with him. As for feeding for the whole month at the beginning of the month, it is a matter of disagreement among the scholars. And I think that it is permissible as long as the month has entered and the reason has taken place. And what seems to be the most correct opinion is that it is permissible, even if the days have not yet come, because the reason has taken place. yes

Is it permissible to break the fast during times of war 📃

Q: May Allaah reward you. The questioner says: We are at war with the Kharijites. Is it permissible for us to break our fast in this war at all, or only when we meet the enemy?

A: Your war with the Kharijites is a war in the country. It is, as they say today, in their military terms, a guerrilla war, not a war of soldiers, for it is not permissible to break the fast while waiting and anticipating. Rather, breaking the fast is permissible in the event of engaging with the enemy and actively fighting them. yes

Taking medicine in Ramadan because of exams 📃

Q: May Allaah be good to you. The questioner says he has tests these days, and he takes thyroid medicine because he does not have a thyroid gland. He says, may Allaah protect you, and if he does not drink it, his head hurts very much, and he cannot test. So what does he do?

A: If you are able to organize the medicine so that you take it at dawn, before the call to prayer, even if it is in a specific quantity, by referring to the doctor, then you must do that. As for just testing and some of them say fasting makes the mind weak or lazy. This is the opposite of scientific research. Scientific research has proven that fasting makes the mind sharp. However, the tests are not a reason for breaking the fast. And if the test conflicted with fasting, we would have said leave the study and fast, although it does not conflict. But Satan deceives people. And some muftis, may Allaah guide us and them, they tend to what pleases people. This means that some people manage to present as truth what would be a popular opinion with the people. This one, everything is forbidden with him. But if they see you as flexible, it means that you are determined according to people's fluctuations. You will be popular with them. And Iblis is keen. Love of popularity is a disaster. And the love of people returning to man is a disaster. Man loves this. If he does not strive against himself by Allaah, he will neglect his religion even if he is a mufti. Some of the muftis, may Allaah guided us and them, I mean, tend to give fatwas to people as they like. And that they say to people if you are in a country where the day is long, fast with the number of hours in Mecca and break your fast even if it is noon. Mashallah. This sheikh. Or they say the students who are testing break their fast and make up. These fatwas are not based on a valid legal basis. We ask Allaah to help the muftis to do their duty, to fear Allaah, and to observe Allaah. We are all going to die. And we will all meet Allaah. And Allaah will hold us accountable, and there is not one of you who will not be spoken to by his Lord, without an interpreter between him and Him. He looks to his right and sees nothing but what he has put forth. And he looks to the left and he does not see anything except what he has put forth. And he looks in front of him and sees nothing but the Fire. We ask Allaah to protect us and you.

Is it permissible to give a ransom of feeding a whole month to one poor person? 📃

Q: May Allaah be good to you. The questioner says: Is it permissible to give a ransom of feeding a whole month to one poor person?

A: Yes, it is permissible, and this is not like expiation for the oath. Because the expiation for an oath is stipulated in feeding ten poor people. And what is most correct is that he must feed ten. And if he feeds one poor person, he manages to feed him every day, this will not suffice in expiation for an oath. As for the expiation of missed fasting, it is not, because what is required is the feeding of poor. Every day he feeds a poor person. If you feed 30 poor people for 30 days, it is valid. And if he feeds a poor person for 30 days, it is one poor person. He calls him every day and feeds him, that suffices him. Yes

Is there any leeway for a pregnant or breastfeeding woman in making up days of Ramadan? 📃

Q: May Allah reward you. The questioner says: Some women continue to be pregnant and breast-feed for many years. Is this a reason to lighten making up days of fasting?

A: No. But it lightens paying it back. She does not have to do any expiation for the delay, which means that we have a woman who was pregnant during the month of Ramadan. We said that she doesn't have to fast. She delivered months later. And she became breast-feeding. She breastfeeds for two years. She doesn't have to fast. Ok. She will make it up three years later. Ramadan has come, and the second Ramadan has come. We say that she only has to make up for it if she fears for herself. As for the expiation for the delay, it is not obligatory. And she must make up along with feeding if she fears for her child. She does not have to do another expiation for the delay.

Is it permissible for woman to give food for her fast to her parents if they are poor? 📃

Q: May Allaah reward you. The questioner says: Is it permissible for a nursing mother to give the ransom for her fast to her parents’ house if they are poor?

A: Nothing's wrong in that, nothing's wrong in that. This is not zakat, yes

How the Salaf taught their children to fast 📃

Q: May Allaah protect you, says the questioner. We hope that you will explain to us how the Salaf taught their children to fast.

A: They used to say that if a boy is able to fast after he has reached the age of discernment, then there must be two things, brothers: he must reach the age of discernment and be able to fast. Because he may reach nine years of age and he cannot stand fasting. It is necessary to do both. Before that, fasting is partial. Fast until the forenoon or so, out of love for fasting only. But if he reaches the age of discernment and is able to fast, then he fasts. It is likely that this is the duty of the parents. Although fasting is not obligatory for the boy. The predecessors used to fast themselves and give them toys to play with so that they would be free from food and drink. This is how the righteous predecessors used to do, and there is no objection to gradation. Fast the noon, Allaah willing, Allaah willing. You have a week to fast until noon. Fast today until the afternoon. After a few days, he went to Morocco to get used to it. And there is nothing wrong with the reward, but do not associate it with worship, rather make it an effect of worship. Do not teach your child insincerity from a young age. Do not teach your son that he worships Allaah for the sake of the world. Don't tell him if you pray, I will give you a riyal because he will pray for a riyal. So teach him not to be faithful. But if he prays, give him a riyal and say, “You have satisfied Allaah.” Then Allaah guided me to give you a riyal. You prayed and this pleases Allaah, for Allaah Almighty has guided me to give you a riyal. I mean, this is the effect of his prayer. back on this. Also in fasting, it is okay to give them a reward. Of course, play is one thing, and the reward is another. But reward make it the effect of action, not a reason for action. Raise him on this, raise him on sincerity, and that worship is the key to happiness. And if a servant of Allaah comes to him good deeds. If he fasts, for example, he will come to him at night with a game he loves. So see, Allaah willing, because you kept silent, may Allaah Almighty be pleased with those who fasted, and taught me and guided me to go and buy you the game. Your classes brought you this. So it instilled in himself that his happiness and goodness are in this world because of his worship. But his worship is not because of the world. It is only for Allaah, and this is accurate in education. Many people neglect it, and perhaps this is enough, and Allaah knows best, and may Allaah’s blessings and peace be upon our Prophet