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Ruling of Hajj and Umrah

Ruling on making Umrah for the dead who performed Umrah before 📃

Q: May Allaah bless you, may Allaah heal you. The questioner says: My father, may Allaah have mercy on him, passed away. He performed ‘Umrah and Hajj before, so is it permissible for me to perform ‘Umrah on his behalf?

A: Yes, if you performed the Umrah for yourself, it is permissible for you to perform the Umrah on behalf of your dead father, even if he performed the obligatory Umrah. This indicates in that the Prophet, may Allaah’s salah and peace be upon him, when he heard the man saying "Labeika on bahelf of Shibrima". He may Allaah’s salah and peace be upon him said: who is Shibrima? A brother of mine or a relative of mine said. He may Allaah’s salah and peace be upon him said: Did you perform Hajj on your own behalf? he said no. He may Allaah’s salah and peace be upon him said perform Hajj on your own behalf, then perform Hajj on behalf of Shibrima. He did not ask about Shibrima. Was he a pilgrimage or did he not perform a pilgrimage, even though it is possible that the man was likely to perform a pilgrimage, and that is why he asked him, did you perform the pilgrimage on your own behalf? It is possible that Shibrima performed the pilgrimage with Abu Bakr, then he died, and the Prophet, may Allaah’s salah and peace be upon him, did not elaborate. Whether he performed Umrah or Hajj previously, or he did not perform Umrah, and he did not perform Hajj previously, so there is no harm, praise be to Allaah

Clarification on how to perform Umrah for a young child 📃

Q: May Allaah preserve you. The questioner says: We hope that you will explain to us something about how the boy performs Umrah and whether he should be directed to the Kaaba if he circumambulates it.

A: Umrah is valid for a boy, whether he is at the age of discernment or not. He must be stripped of his regular clothes as an adult. And he is excused from using the diaper if he is the one who uses the diaper. And there is no ransom to be paid. He wears an izaar and a robe. If he is at the age of discernment, then at the meeqat he is commanded to form the intention and is told, “We will perform ‘Umrah.” The intention means that he feels that he will perform Umrah. It is said to him at the appointed time: We will perform the Umrah and you are with us and you will perform the Umrah. And if he is not discerning, then his guardian intends for him. He intends to perform Umrah. If he arrives in Makkah, if the boy is not discerning or it is not crowded, and his father carries him, then tawaaf is sufficient for one of them. And the boy must make tawaaf independently, meaning that the father makes tawaaf himself, then carries his boy and makes his left to the direction of the Kaaba. He doesn't carry him however. He makes the boy's left to the direction of the Kaaba, either by carrying him over his shoulders, or he is carried so that the boy's left is to the direction of the Kaaba. And he makes tawaaf independently. Because the principle is that the two intentions do not meet in one heart. Here, the father intends to make tawaaf for the boy as well. As for the case of severe crowding, which causes severe hardship, for the father to make tawaaf twice, then he is excused from this, so if he carried him, it counts for both, Allaah willing, because the legislation does not bring difficulty or excessive hardship, but it is better to push him in a cart and not carry him. Brothers, if he pushes him in a cart, there is no problem, he puts him in a cart and pushes, no problem. But the problem is if he carries him in a crowded state, he will be excused from that, Allaah willing. One tawaaf is sufficient. And if the boy is discerning, then one tawaaf is sufficient for them, even if he carried him, because the boy is commanded with making the intention and he intends. If he carried him, then it is sufficient for the two. This is what appears to me in the matter, and Allaah knows best.

Is it permissible to perform Umrah for a person who is in debt? 📃

Q: The questioner says: Is it permissible to perform Umrah for a person who is in debt and did not seek permission from the owner of the debt?

A: The debt for Hajj or Umrah can either be deferred to a date that did not come, or by installments. I mean, you borrowed money to return after five years. The term hasn't come yet. Or the debt is in installments over months. This does not prevent Umrah or Hajj, nor does it oppose it. Like what some people say to his brother, he says from your hardship to your ease. When will I repay you? From your hardship to your ease. Whenever the debt is facilitated. This is if going to Umrah or Hajj prevents the fulfillment of the debt and staying in the country leads to the fulfillment of the debt. It is not permissible for him to go to Umrah or Hajj, and he does not need permission. But if going to Umrah or Hajj does not affect the payment of the debt. I have money that I can perform Umrah with and pay off the debt. It is permissible for me to leave while the debt is on me, because I have promise. Likewise, if the money with which I will go to Umrah or Hajj does not fulfill the debt, and if I remain, I will not fulfill the debt. There is also nothing wrong with going to Umrah or Hajj. So when does debt prevent Umrah or Hajj? If the debt is immediate or absolute and the going opposes the fulfillment of the debt, here the right of the creation takes precedence over the right of the Creator, unless the creation waives his right. The owner of the debt said, alright, I postpone the debt for two years. Go for Umrah. In this case, it is okay.

Ruling on one who falls asleep during Tawaaf on a cart 📃

Q: The questioner says: What is the ruling on one who falls asleep during Tawaaf on a cart driven by someone else one or two rounds?

A: If he slept deeply until he lost his sense of those around him, then his tawaaf is invalid. Because prolonged sleep invalidates ablution. And purity is a condition for the validity of tawaaf. He must perform ablution and repeat the tawaaf from the beginning, whether that happened when he was close or far away, he must come back and perform the tawwaf and the subsequent rights of Umrah so that his Umrah is valid. But if he sleeps sitting down lightly, his feeling does not go away, but his feeling becomes less, so that he hears people's words, but his perception is weak. He is slightly over-drowsy, not drowsy, slightly over-drowsy and not asleep. This is a light sleep. This does not harm his tawaaf, even if it is long, even if it takes a full round, as long as it does not become deep sleep, but it is a light sleep. This is most correct from the sayings of scholars. Of course, this, my brothers, is for tawaaf. As for saa’i, purification is not required for saa’i. But sleep must not take a full path from beginning to end. Because the sleeper does not do it. So if he sleeps part of the round and wakes up part of the round, then his saa’i is correct

Ruling on selling Hajj lottery 📃

Q: May Allaah reward you. The questioner says: If his name appears as a person in the lottery for Hajj, then he wants to sell that for a double amount, will that suffice him? Or may he?

A: If he did not perform the obligatory Hajj, then it is not permissible for him to offer someone else over himself, neither with compensation nor without compensation, as long as his name has come up and he is able to perform the Hajj, then he must perform the Hajj. He does not offer it to anyone not even his father. For there is no preferring others over oneself when it comes to personal obligatory duty. But if he had performed Hajj or had a problem that prevented him from performing Hajj, such as illness, poverty, or something else. Is it permissible for him to sell his name to someone else? Answer: If there is a lie in that, then it is not permissible. And if this violates the regulations, whether in his country or in the country issuing the visa, which is Saudi Arabia. This is not permissible. As for me, I do not know the situation if there was no lying, rather he relinquishes his name to the name of this one and does not violate these regulations, so there is nothing wrong with him taking compensation for this.

Performing Umrah twice in one trip 📃

Q: May Allaah reward you. The questioner says, “I left my country and intended to perform ‘Umrah in Sha’ban, and I sat in Makkah for two days, then I came to Madinah. So is it prescribed for me to perform ‘Umrah again?”

A: Yeah. As long as you have come to Medina to visit the mosque of the Prophet, may Allaah bless him and grant him peace. You may return to Makkah to perform Umrah on your behalf or on behalf of someone else for whom you may perform Umrah. There is nothing wrong with that, yes.