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Fatawa for Women

Ruling on blood of a woman who miscarried and how should she perform Umrah in that state 📃

Q: May God heal you and heal you. The questioner says my wife miscarried in the fifth week. And now there is blood coming out of her that looks like menstrual blood, knowing that it falls at the time of her menstruation. What is the ruling on this blood, and how should she perform Umrah, knowing that it will be after three days?

A: As long as the miscarriage was less than 80 days and did not complete 80 days and the birth did not appear, then this is not post-partum bleeding. But this is the blood of corruption. If the blood coincides with the usual time of menstruation and the time of her menstruation is regular, then this is the principle that it is a wall. So hold on to the days of her menstruation from praying and fasting, until when she completes the days of her menstruation, she performs Ghusl. May Allah make you happy. At the end of the question, I asked about the Umrah, how is it done during it? In the last question, I asked about the Umrah, how is it done during it? She is menstruating. If she wants to go to Makkah, she enters ihram from the meeqaat obligatory. You take a bath for Ihram and you are forbidden from the Miqat. Then, when it reaches Makkah, it does not lead to anything until it is purified. Then she takes a bath and goes and performs her Umrah. And it is better for her to stipulate conditions when entering ihram, so she says, “Labbaik Umrah.” Because if her menstruation continues, and the time for travel has come, she can decompose on her condition. And nothing on it and travel. This is what a menstruating woman does if she wants to go to Umrah. Pay attention, you must be deprived of the meeqaat that is an option. must. It is better for you to stipulate that if he imprisoned me, then my place is where you imprisoned me, then you go to the hotel in Makkah and stay in the hotel or the house without paying anything until she becomes pure. Then, when she becomes pure, she takes a bath at the hotel or at her home. And it doesn't need to go to anti-aliasing, no. From the hotel directly to the Sacred Mosque. And she performs her Umrah. Until she is done.

Ruling on menses when taking birth control pills 📃

Q: May Allaah reward you, a sister who asks says she was afflicted with a disease in her womb that caused him to have a disturbance in bleeding at times other than the usual time of her menses, and the doctor prescribed her medicine. What is its ruling? What is its effect on fasting?

A: Firstly, taking birth control pills that prevent menstruation should not be taken lightly by believing women. These pills have harmful effects and lead to serious hormonal disorders. It may cause cancer and cause hair to appear in places where hair does not usually appear in women, and other damages. If a woman needs to take it, especially for the first time, then she should refer to the specialist doctor and conduct the necessary examinations. There is no doubt that continuing to take it harms women. It is not permissible for a Muslim to do what harms him. One of the perfections of our religion is that it forbids a person to do what harms him or others, as the Prophet, may Allaah’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “There is neither harm nor reciprocation.” She should not always take these pills according to people’s advice, but rather refer to the doctor who conducts examinations and assesses the benefits and harms from a medical point of view, and does what the skilled doctor recommends. As for what this sister mentioned, that when she takes the pills, she finds drops of blood and she does not know whether it is menstruation or not. So we say that if her menstruation was at a known time of the month, then what happened at the time of menstruation is menstruation, even if she was taking pills, as long as it is at the time of her menstruation, then it is menstruation, even if it is a few drops. And if it was at a time other than her usual menstruation and it did not have the known characteristics of menstruation, then it is not menstruation. But if it has the characteristics of menstruation known, then it is menstruation. But if her cycle is disturbed and her menstruation does not have a specific time in the month, then she considers the characteristics. If its characteristics are the characteristics of menstruation, then it is menstruation. And if there are not characteristics of menstruation, then it is the corrupt blood, fatigue and exhaustion. It doesn't prevent her from anything

Ruling of a woman who looses her intelligence sometimes 📃

Q: May Allaah reward you. The questioner says: My mother is 93 years old, and she loses intellect sometimes and she fasts some days and breaks the fast on others. Is it obligatory upon her to make up missed days?

A: I don't know what my brother meant by losing intellect. If what is meant is that she loses intellect, that she passes out, then we will explain this issue tomorrow, Allaah willing, in the lesson. And if what is meant is that her mind goes and comes back, then one day she will be sane and understanding. And one day her mind goes away and she says to her son, “Oh, my father,” and she asks about old things and the like. This is on the day when she is sane and aware, so she fasts. And on the day that her mind goes, she is not required to perform or make up. Because the mind is a condition for obligation. But if she is not in this state, i.e. some days she is in her mind and comprehension, and in other days when she is not in her right mind. If she is not like this, but most of the time she is not in her right mind, and sometimes she comes back to her right mind. For example, when her daughter enters, she says "Oh my mother, oh my mother", or if son enters, she says, "Oh my father", or she said: ‘Where are the sheep? Did you water the sheep?" This was 50 years ago. They don’t have sheep today. She regained from her intellect what was 50 years ago. And sometimes she enters and says “Muhammad, how are you?" She knows and recognises her son, but this is little. She is not held accountable in this case. She is not commanded to fast, pray, perform or make them up. But if we see her with her mind, we urge her to pray, perhaps she will pray two rak'ahs in the state of her mind, which will benefit her when meeting Allaah Almighty. But the obligation has been waived.

Is it permissible for a woman to go to the autorities in non-Muslim land if her husband is abusive 📃

Q: May Allaah reward you. A sister asks, she says that she married a man who used to harm her and slander her with adultery, Allaah forbid, and he does not spend on her, so she asked him for divorce, so he divorced her and started coming to her and threatening her. She says he also consumes drugs and alcohol. And she doesn't have a son to protect her from him. She asks is it permissible for her to complain to the authorities in the non-Muslim country, and she also asks about custody of her daughter if she marries someone else.

A: This is a call from one party. We do not judge in the specific case because we do not know the true situation. But in terms of the legal ruling in general. If an aggressor assaulted a Muslim in the land of disbelief and he wants his honor, or he wants his life, or he wants his money. He has the right to raise it to the authorities, and to complain about it to the police in that country without embarrassment. As for custory, if she marries other man (not her husband), then the custory goes to her mother if she has a mother. And if not, then it goes to her father's mother if he has a mother. As for child's father, if the matter as this woman said, then he is not eligible for custody at all. As long as he has these qualities, if the woman is true in what she says.